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Menopause Formula (Capsules)

All your supplements in one - Targeted for perimenopause

Over 45 premium, bio-available nutrients to boost & balance the female body during a time of transition.

Soothes peri-menopausal & menopausal symptoms
Supports hormone fluctuations 
Enhanced energy & less fatigue 
Better focus, memory, mood & sleep 
Gut health & detoxification support 

Variant - Capsules (30-Day Supply)

KOSTENLOSE Lieferung im Vereinigten Königreich

Just £2.33 a day or £1.98 when you subscribe

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✓ Delivery every 30 days
✓ Guaranteed delivery if we sell out
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30-Day Money-Back Guarantee



Total Menopause (Capsules)

£100.00 £105.00 GBP


Menopause Formula (Capsules)


Eines der besten Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, die ich je ausprobiert habe

„Ich bin Pilates-Lehrerin, habe zwei kleine Kinder und bin Mitte 40. Im letzten Jahr hatte ich das Gefühl, dass etwas nicht stimmte, meine Angstzustände stiegen, mir fehlte die Energie und meine Haut hatte sie verloren.“ Ich hatte die Gelegenheit, das neue Equi-Menopause-Ergänzungsmittel auszuprobieren und bemerkte, dass mein Energieniveau stieg, ich mich ruhiger fühlte und meine Haut wieder strahlte Ich habe es versucht und werde es weiterhin nehmen.“


Lebensrettendes Glas voller Magie

„Ich nehme es jetzt seit mehr als zwei Monaten und habe eine große Wirkung festgestellt: Mein Verlangen nach Zucker wurde reduziert, ich habe keine Blähungen mehr und bin energiegeladener. Die wichtigsten Vorteile für mich sind, dass ich beim Aufwachen keine Schmerzen mehr habe.“ Ich wollte das Gesamtpaket eines Nahrungsergänzungsmittels, das nicht nur sicherstellt, dass ich die richtigen Vitamine habe, sondern auch die unangenehmen Symptome der Menopause deutlich lindert, und diese Formel gibt mir genau das, UND KEIN HEISSES SCHWEISSEN, sodass ich den besten Schlaf habe, den ich je hatte Das ganze Jahr über empfehle ich jedem, der eine All-in-One-Formel für den Vitamin- und Hormonausgleich benötigt, noch heute zu bestellen. Vielen Dank, Equi London, für dieses lebensrettende Glas voller Magie! >



„Ein Freund empfahl mir die Menopause-Formel von Equi London, nachdem ich 18 Monate lang eine Hormonersatztherapie eingenommen hatte Seitdem ich die Nahrungsergänzungsmittel 6 Monate lang eingenommen habe, konnte ich meine HRT auf 2 Beutel Gel reduzieren, ohne befürchten zu müssen, dass es zu einem Haarausfall kommt, was bei mir nicht der Fall war Ich denke sogar, dass ich Teil meiner Wechseljahre bin, weil ich mich so auf meinen Gehirnnebel konzentriert habe. Ich hatte immer feines, lockiges Haar, aber jetzt ist mein Haar so viel reicher und voller.“


Zu sagen, dass es mir Hoffnung gegeben hat, ist eine Untertreibung

„Während mehr als ein Jahr lang das Gefühl hatte, ich würde zusammenbrechen, ohne Schlaf und ohne Erklärung dafür, warum ich die Dinge nicht mehr so ​​bewältigen konnte wie früher, habe ich EQUI London entdeckt. Zu sagen, dass es mir Hoffnung gab, ist eine Untertreibung.“


Mehr Informationen:

Wie es funktioniert

The body operates at its best when it works in harmony. However, achieving balance can be challenging during peri-menopause and menopause due to hormonal shifts that can result in big day-to-day fluctuations in how we feel.

Feeling calm, happy and in tune with these natural changes requires total body support, which is why the average menopause supplement often falls short in making a noticeable difference.

Our award-winning Menopause Formula is an expertly blended combination of carefully sourced, science-based nutrients that work together to restore vibrancy to the body. Tailored to address specific needs during this phase, it harmonizes essential systems, improving hormones, mood, sleep, energy, libido, and concentration, fortifying and uplifting the entire female body.

We believe that the natural journey into menopause need not overwhelm or de-stabilise us, and we take pride in having created a product that has helped thousands of women navigate perimenopause and menopause healthily and happily.


Star Ingredients:

- Dong Quai, Sage Extract, Hops Extract + Vitamin B6: Premium plant extracts and vitamins to support the regulation of hormonal activity*

- Flaxseed Extract – Rich in plant ‘phyto-oestrogens’ to help combat common menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes.

- KSM66® Ashwagandha + Rhodiola – Scientifically proven to boost mood, sleep & calm anxiety. Restores adrenals to discourage ‘burn out’.

- Rosemary Extract – Contains 30% ursolic acid, an antioxidant proven to improve memory and reduce inflammation throughout the body.

- Advanced Multivitamins + Minerals: A mature female-specific spectrum of bio-available, high quality vitamins and minerals.

- B-vitamin Blend | B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, Folate + Choline: Reduces tiredness and fatigue* and enhances cognition.

- Goji + Bilberry Superberries: Energises the body, mind and gut with polyphenol-rich antioxidants that feed the skin & help fight premature ageing.

- Iron, Iodine, B6, B12 + Magnesium: For mental clarity* + energy*

- Iodine: For normal cognitive & neurological function*

- Vegan Probiotics + Turmeric Extract: Supports digestive health & diminishes water retention.

- Milk Thistle, N-Acetyl Cysteine + Choline: Supports liver health and detoxification along with powerful anti-oxidant & anti-inflammatory properties.

- Supergrasses: Highly nutritious plant-based nutrients with an alkalising effect.

- Vitamins C, D + Zinc: Supports the immune system and protection of cells from Oxidative stress* – caused by our modern lifestyles.

- Female Probiotic – Specifically formulated for the female microbiome and for intimate health

Ingredients per daily 6 capsules (Nutrient Reference Value): Vitamin C (calcium ascorbate & acerola cherry) 250mg (312%*), bilberry, magnesium (bisglycinate) 200mg (53%*), KSM66® organic ashwagandha, organic barley grass, pomegranate, moringa, turmeric extract (10:1), sage leaf extract (4:1), dong quai, goji berry extract (4:1), organic spirulina, calcium (citrate) 95mg (12%*), choline (bitartrate), L-tyrosine, milk thistle extract (40:1 silymarin 80%), N-acetyl L-cysteine, flaxseed extract (20% lignans), papain, bromelain, rosemary extract (30% ursolic acid), hops extract (4:1), organic cracked cell wall chlorella, rhodiola rosea extract 5:1 (3% rosavin), vitamin B3 (nicotinamide) 15mg (106%*), vitamin B5 (calcium D-pantothenate) 10mg (166%*), zinc (picolinate) 10mg (100%*), iron (ferrous gluconate) 7mg (50%*), vitamin B1 (thiamine Hcl) 2mg (181%*), vitamin B6 (pyridoxal-5-phosphate) 2mg (142%*), vitamin B2 (riboflavin-5-phosphate) 2mg (142%*), manganese (gluconate) 2mg (100%*), vitamin A (d. salina) 400mcg (50%*), probiotics 2.5 billion CFU (Bacillus sporogenes, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus rhamnosus), boron (sodium tetraborate), folate (5-Methyltetrahydrofolate) 80mcg (40%), iodine (kelp) 75mcg (50%*), vitamin K2 (MK7) 75mcg (100%*), selenium (selenomethionine) 50mcg (90%*), biotin 50mcg (100%*), chromium (chromium picolinate) 40mcg (100%*), molybdenum (sodium molybdate) 30mcg (60%*), vitamin D3 Vitashine™ (cholecalciferol) 10mcg (200%*), vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) 5mcg (200%*).
(Batch MFCJ005)


Optimal intake 6 capsules per day consumed after a meal. Split over two meals if preferred. Store in cool dark place and consume within 3 months once opened. We recommend avoiding hot drinks for 10 minutes before and after taking, to preserve all the natural goodness, active enzymes and probiotics.

Do not exceed recommended intake or take in place of a healthy diet. If under medical supervision or taking medications please consult a doctor before use. Not suitable for pregnant/breastfeeding women. Keep out of reach of children.

We’ve sourced ingredients of the highest quality and purity. Free from dairy & gluten containing ingredients, yeast, soy, artificial flavours, colours & refined sugar. VEGAN.

Please be aware that all Equi London products include an FDA silica sachet which is approved for use with food. The desiccant is non-toxic, and the material is very clearly marked to not eat.

Klicken Sie hier für weitere Informationen zur Einnahme von Equi.

Was es anders macht?

The female body is a beautifully complex and interconnected machine, at its most powerful when it is in perfect balance - never has this been more significant than during peri-menopause and menopause, a time when hormonal shifts can lead to ups and downs. Feeling calm, happy, in tune with your body’s natural changes requires specific nourishment and total body support, which is why the average menopause supplement doesn’t make a difference.

Menopause Formula has been carefully formulated using only the highest quality and carefully sourced ingredients to help women feel at their most vibrant by supporting all the systems involved with keeping at our hormones, mood, sleep, energy, libido and concentration working at full capacity.

Our products are based on the science that the human body is made up of 10 systems; systems that must be in perfect balance both individually and collectively to achieve optimum health.

EQUI is the only supplement that supports every single system, creating EQUIlibrium within the body, powering it to its optimum state. We then feel energised, physically and mentally stronger and our health, wellbeing and body composition are optimised.

EQUI - The power of the body in balance.

Zusätzliche Vorteile

Menopause Formula works to nourish and balance your hormonal system. But whilst hormones are the critical focus of this breakthrough Formula, our expertly formulated product supports your whole body, meaning you feel great on the inside and as well as glowing on the outside. Along with the improvements to menopausal symptoms, you can expect:

- Better skin* hair & nail health
- Enhanced energy* & less fatigue
- More balanced hormones*
- Better mood* & concentration
- Stronger immunity*
- Better digestion
- More resilience to stress
- Less dryness

*Vitamin B12, B6, magnesium and iron contribute to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.
*Vitamin B6 contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity
*Vitamin B12, folate, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, niacin, B6, magnesium and iron contribute to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue *Vitamin C, vitamin D, iron, vitamin A, selenium, zinc contribute to the normal function of the immune system
*Iodine contributes to normal functioning of the nervous system and cognitive function, improved energy and thyroid function
*Zinc, magnesium, pantothenic acid, iron contribute to normal cognitive function
*Biotin, selenium, Niacin, Zinc and Vitamin C contribute to the maintenance of normal skin

Can I take Menopause Formula with HRT?

There are so many different varieties of HRT and everyone is different. We’d always suggest speaking with your doctor first before getting started with any menopause support supplement.

That being said, you don’t need to check with a doctor before taking our Menopause Oil Edition unless you have a specific diagnosis or are on other medication.

Klicken Sie hier, um mehr über die Wissenschaft hinter unseren Produkten zu erfahren.


Kuratierte, kraftvolle Zutaten

Ersetzen Sie Ihr Regal mit Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln durch eines

So viel würde es kosten, wenn Sie alle Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, die wir in Menopause Formula packen, einzeln kaufen würden.⁠

Nicht nur das – unsere Experten haben jeden Nährstoff so kombiniert, dass er miteinander funktioniert Keine Verwirrung oder Enttäuschung mehr...

Die Wechseljahre sollten Sie weder Ihr Geld noch Ihr Wohlbefinden kosten. Wenn es um die Unterstützung Ihres Körpers geht, glauben wir, dass das Gleichgewicht der Schlüssel ist. Deshalb sind unsere Formeln hier bei Equi so konzipiert, dass sie alle Bereiche Ihres Körpers unterstützen, um echte Ergebnisse zu erzielen, die Sie sehen und fühlen können.

Menopause-Formel hilft bei 👇🏼
✹ Bessere Haut, Haare & Nagelgesundheit⁠
✹ Mehr Energie und weniger Müdigkeit⁠
✹ Ausgeglichenere Hormone⁠
✹ Bessere Stimmung und Konzentration⁠
✹ Stärkere Immunität⁠
✹ Bessere Verdauung⁠
✹ Mehr Widerstandskraft Stress⁠
✹ Weniger Trockenheit⁠

Eine Anmerkung unseres Ernährungsberaters 

Why take Menopause Formula?

“Menopause comes at a time in life when we have developed much wisdom and are enjoying our strongest sense of self, yet this transition can often destabilise us overwhelmingly. In my clinic I speak to women suffering with a huge array of debilitating symptoms that impact on skin, mood, energy, libido, sleep and general wellbeing. I wanted to create a complete, highly nourishing formula that combines the very best standard of herbs, botanicals, minerals, antioxidants and female focussed probiotics that have been shown to help support women in this phase of their life.”

ALICE MACKINTOSH | Registrierter Ernährungstherapeut



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