Die Equi Summer Skin-Serie – Hinweise, Tipps und Tricks, um Ihre Haut auf den Sommer vorzubereiten
Strahlende, taufrische Haut steht im Sommer auf jeder Wunschliste. Heute verabschieden wir uns von fahler, glanzloser Haut mit unseren Lieblingslebensmitteln, -produkten und -tricks, die Ihnen einen strahlenden Teint verleihen und Ihnen dabei helfen, ohne Make-up auszukommen.
Matte Haut ist durstige Haut!
Der erste und wichtigste Faktor für strahlende Haut ist die Flüssigkeitszufuhr! Flüssigkeitszufuhr ist für die allgemeine Gesundheit des Körpers unerlässlich und spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Erhaltung einer gesunden Haut. Der Konsum von Wasser trägt dazu bei, die Haut mit Feuchtigkeit zu versorgen, wodurch die Haut strahlend und strahlend erscheint. In einer Studie wurde berichtet, dass eine erhöhte Wasseraufnahme die Elastizität und Glätte der Haut verbessern kann (1) und so zu einem strahlenden Aussehen beiträgt. Untersuchungen haben außerdem ergeben, dass es die Barrierefunktion der Haut verbessert, was dazu beiträgt, den Wasserverlust der Haut zu verhindern (2). Dies führt zu einer besseren Feuchtigkeitsversorgung und trägt dazu bei, dass die Haut gesund und strahlend aussieht. Dehydrierung hingegen kann dazu führen, dass die Haut trocken und stumpf wird. Wenn die Haut dehydriert ist, verliert sie ihre Fülle und Elastizität und ihr natürlicher Glanz kann beeinträchtigt werden. Dies kann auch zur vorzeitigen Entstehung von Falten und Altersflecken führen – besuchen Sie unseren aktuellen Blog um mehr zu erfahren. Es ist wichtig, mindestens 8–10 Gläser Wasser pro Tag (mindestens 2 Liter) zu trinken, um die Haut von innen heraus mit Feuchtigkeit zu versorgen und die Haut gesund und strahlend zu halten.
Hyaluronsäure ist einer unserer Hauptnährstoffe in der Beauty Formula und aufgrund seiner Fähigkeit, die Hautfeuchtigkeit und -elastizität zu fördern, erneut eine Erwähnung wert , was zu einem strahlenden Teint führt. Hyaluronsäure bindet Wassermoleküle und sorgt so für eine bessere Feuchtigkeitsspeicherung in der Haut. Dies wiederum polstert die Hautzellen auf und glättet feine Linien und Fältchen. Die verbesserte Feuchtigkeitsversorgung und Elastizität der Haut verleihen ihr ein strahlendes, taufrisches Aussehen. Darüber hinaus ergab eine Studie, dass die topische Anwendung von Hyaluronsäure die Hautstruktur, Festigkeit und den Feuchtigkeitsgehalt der Haut deutlich verbessern kann. Die Ergebnisse zeigten einen erhöhten Feuchtigkeitsgehalt der Haut, was zu einem strahlenderen und strahlenderen Teint führte (3). Eine andere Studie ergab, dass Hyaluronsäure-Injektionen auch die Ausstrahlung der Haut verbessern können. Die Ergebnisse zeigten eine signifikante Verbesserung der Hautstruktur, des Feuchtigkeitsgehalts und der allgemeinen Ausstrahlung der Haut (4). Tolle Ergebnisse wurden auch mit der Einnahme von Hyaluronsäurequellen nachgewiesen – lesen Sie unseren neuesten Blog für alles, was Sie über diesen Spitzennährstoff wissen müssen. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die Verwendung von Hyaluronsäure in Hautpflegeprodukten sowie deren Verzehr tatsächlich dazu beitragen können, die Ausstrahlung der Haut zu verbessern und einen strahlenden Teint zu fördern. Seine Fähigkeit, Feuchtigkeit zu speichern und die Hautelastizität zu verbessern, wird durch wissenschaftliche Studien belegt, was es zu einem zuverlässigen und wirksamen Inhaltsstoff für eine gesunde, schöne und strahlende Haut macht.
Healthy Fats Support a Natural Glow
Consuming healthy fats has been shown to contribute positively to skin health, resulting in a natural glow. Omega-3 fatty acids, for example, are essential components of skin cell membranes, which help to hydrate the skin and improve its overall appearance. A study revealed that a healthy omega-3 to omega-6 ratio can help reduce inflammation and improve skin health (5), giving it a natural glow. Monounsaturated fats, such as those found in olive oil, avocado, and nuts, are also beneficial for skin health. They help to maintain the skin's elasticity, helping it to stay looking radiant. Finally, polyunsaturated fats, such as those found in fatty fish, also play a role in skin health. One study found that consuming polyunsaturated fats was associated with a reduced risk of dry and dull skin (6). Incorporating these healthy fats into our diets can result in clear, healthy, and glowing skin. Studies have proven the benefits of healthy fats including omega-3, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats for the skin. By prioritising a healthy diet and incorporating a variety of healthy fats, we can improve our overall skin health.
Antioxidants are compounds that protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, which can harm skin cells and cause dull, lacklustre skin. Consuming and applying antioxidants topically can help neutralise these free radicals and may provide various skin benefits, including a brighter and more radiant complexion. One study found that women who consumed a supplement containing antioxidants and other nutrients for 12 weeks exhibited improvements in skin elasticity, hydration, and brightness compared to those who did not take anything (7). One of the most well-known antioxidants for skin health is vitamin C, which is vital for collagen production, a protein that gives skin its elasticity and firmness. A study showed that topical application of vitamin C improved skin texture, decreased fine lines and wrinkles, and improved skin brightness (8). Another antioxidant, vitamin E, has been shown to protect skin cells from oxidative damage and improve skin tone and texture. A study found that combining vitamin C and vitamin E in a topical formulation produced significant improvements in skin hydration and moisture levels (9). Studies have also highlighted that consuming antioxidants can help protect skin cells from damage and promote a more youthful and glowing appearance. Vitamin C and E can improve skin hydration, brightness, and elasticity. Good dietary sources of vitamin C include berries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, and peppers, whilst vitamin E can be obtained from almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds and green leafy veg such as spinach.
Beauty Formula contains a blend of 48 of the most effective nutritional compounds proven to combat skin concerns, support collagen and hydration levels and strengthen hair and nails. This award-winning powdered formula provides total body support from hormones to digestion, addressing the underlying causes of problem skin, whilst supplementing your body with everything it needs to glow.
GlowCutis® is at the core of Beauty Formula and was designed to help you get a natural looking glow. It does this thanks to some key glow-giving nutrients including hyaluronic acid, type 1 marine collagen peptides, zinc, vitamin C, pine bark Extract, resveratrol & silica, which work together to support every stage of the skin cell cycle. It’s a collagen-stimulating, antioxidant powerhouse to nourish skin, from the inside out, to help you achieve glowing skin!
Include AHA’s in Your Skincare Routine
Lactic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that has been shown to help skin glow and appear more radiant. One study found that lactic acid helps improve the texture and tone of skin by increasing the production of collagen, which can lead to smoother and more youthful-looking skin (10). Lactic acid has exfoliating effects on the skin, helping to remove dead cells and impurities that can dull the complexion. This can also help to unclog pores and reduce the appearance of blemishes and hyperpigmentation. Lactic acid has been found to have moisturising effects on the skin too, helping to improve hydration levels and prevent dryness and flakiness (11). This can lead to a more plump and dewy-looking complexion, which can further enhance the skin's overall radiance. Another AHA to consider in your skincare routine are fruit acids, which are naturally occurring organic acids found in fruits such as citrus, apples, and grapes. They help exfoliate and rejuvenate the skin, resulting in a brighter and smoother complexion. One of the main ways that fruit acids help the skin to glow is by exfoliating the top layer of dead skin cells, revealing fresher, more radiant skin beneath. Fruit acids work by breaking down the bonds between dead skin cells, allowing them to be easily removed from the surface of the skin. This process also helps to unclog pores and improves the texture of the skin. Several scientific studies have investigated the effectiveness of fruit acids in improving the appearance of the skin. One study found that the use of a skincare product containing 10% glycolic acid (an AHA derived from sugar cane) significantly increased skin hydration and improved the overall appearance of aged skin after just 12 weeks of use (12). Overall, AHA’s such as lactic and fruit acids are a powerful tool in skincare, helping to exfoliate, rejuvenate, and brighten the skin. When used in the appropriate concentration and formulation, they can help improve the texture, tone, and hydration of the skin, leading to a more glowing and radiant complexion.
Apart from diet and skincare, certain lifestyle habits can help too. For example, exercise can increase oxygen and nutrient supply to the skin, reduce inflammation, and promote collagen production, all of which help to promote a glowing complexion. Exercise promotes blood flow, which can lead to a glowing appearance. According to research, regular exercise increases blood flow to the skin, providing important nutrients and oxygen to the skin cells (13). Another study found that regular physical activity also stimulates the growth of new blood vessels, allowing for a more efficient circulation (14). Finally, regular exercise regulates the production of collagen, which is essential for skin firmness, elasticity, which both help the skin to look fresh and glow. Studies have found that exercise can prevent the loss of collagen and increase its production, leading to a more youthful appearance (15). So, regular exercise will not only keep you fit, but will also help you achieve healthy and glowing skin! With exercise, it’s important to choose something that you enjoy but forms of cardio that really get your blood pumping have proven benefits including boxing, running, circuits, and spinning.
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