11 Inspiring Females On Positivity And Their Mood-Boosting Daily Rituals
We spoke to 11 inspiring females in honour of International Women’s Day to hear their tried and tested mood boosting rituals and advice. From founders of Neom & Votary, to bestselling authors, MIT lecturers and celeb-loved fitness experts & yogi’s, here’s what they told us:
“If you’re prone to recurring negative thoughts, you need to distill the sub-conscious belief that you must hold that drives that particular thought. Instead, create a positive affirmation or mantra for yourself that is the opposite to that. Use this mantra every time you have a negative thought and it will really help you to build your confidence, self-esteem and sense of worth.” - Dr Tara Swart, neuroscientist, advisor and author
“Limiting my use of social media has really helped me to remain positive. At first, I craved it to keep me connected but I've now found that turning it off for a few days or even weeks and picking up the phone is far more fulfilling. Life is so fast-paced (especially when running a business, a home and home-schooling three children) that a catch-up call to a family member or friend can make you feel more grounded. Asides from this, I place self-care pretty high in importance. For me, that’s a long soak in the bath. The feeling of the water on my skin is incredibly healing and ‘me-time’ is so important for our mental health.“ - Georgie Cleeve, founder of British skincare brand, Oskia
“Feeling good and positive for me is always linked to sleep. Everything feels that bit easier when you have a good night’s rest. I am more patient, more positive and find I make better and healthier lifestyle choices. I believe good sleep starts from the moment you wake up. I always try to make sure I move enough throughout the day and get some fresh air. I notice this with my kids too. A pre-bedtime routine also helps me to wind down so I’ll take a bath, light a candle and read a book to simply slow down.” - Nicola Elliott, founder of wellbeing brand, NEOM
“Be good enough. I was taught this mantra early and I am so grateful for it. Don’t compare yourself to others as it’s not sustainable to constantly worry about what everyone else is doing and if they’ve got it better. There are no medals in life so it really isn’t worth your stress. Instead, do the best you can. Work hard and be kind. Focus on how your life feels and not how it looks.” - Clare Pacey, specialist physiotherapist in pelvic and women’s health and founder of Re.Physio.
“I urge you to get out in nature every day. That can be as simple as looking up into a tree outside your house to see buds developing, spotting bulbs peeking up through the earth or planting seeds in a pot. There is hope in nature and that always serves as a reminder that the world keeps turning and the seasons keep changing - regardless of what in going on in the world.” - Arabella Preston, co-founder of natural and sustainable skincare brand, Votary.

“I always feel my most positive when I’m on top of everything - work, home, the kids and self-care. I’ve found that the only way I can do this effectively if if I’ve got a plan. I don’t mean a full on schedule but I just take a moment to jot everything down each evening that I want to achieve the next day. This way, I go to bed feeling positive as I know I’ve not let anything important slip. Of course there are days when I don’t achieve the perfect balance but if I’ve managed to tick a few boxes then I’m much more positive.” - Rosie Speight, co-founder of Equi London
“This year staying positive has been more challenging than ever before. It may sound crazy but I have taken to writing poetry - just short snippets of verse - in my iPhone notes. No one will ever see it (and now I have shared this information I had better delete it!) but I have found allowing my emotions and thoughts to flow directly out of my brain and onto my screen has been so helpful. I have been able to release, so to speak, that thought or feeling and let it go. It’s been so cathartic and at times even creative and enjoyable. As a result I have had more interest in reading poetry and understanding the process that poets go though. I also met poet Charley Cox last summer through work and she was so encouraging and kindly sent me a reading list of poetry books to get me through tough times. I have also sniffed a lot of Ho Leaf essential oil which soothes anxiety and helps me keep calm at pinch points of pressure.” - Katie Service, beauty editorial director at Harrods and author of The Beauty Brief
“No one is as motivated as you are to ensure your own happiness or success so make sure you show up for yourself every day. I do three things every day that help me feel like the best version of myself. Firstly I do periods of fasting as it ensures I sleep well and function better without feeling sluggish or tired. Secondly, I try to eat a diet that’s 80% plant-based and these kinds of foods help my mind and body work efficiently. My digestive system is far happier and my energy levels are less likely to dip. Finally I always factor in some kind of exercise first thing.” - Emma Guns, podcast host of The Emma Guns Show
“Always commit to carving out some time every day to do something that makes you feel fantastic. Think of it as a non-negotiable activity that you always make time for. That could be a morning walk or run, 10 minutes to meditate or perhaps using a jade roller and taking a little extra time over your skincare. For me this is key to my overall mood and positivity.” - Sophie Everard, founder of Mad To Live
“Many of us spend so much energy regretting the past and fearing the future that it causes further stress and we end up in a vicious cycle. Instead, try to deal with reality and the here and now. If there is pain or discomfort, be with it and proactively do what you can to change the situation. Mindful breathing is a daily Ayurvedic habit that will really help to support a happier and healthier state of body, mind and emotions. You could also try daily self-massage to nourish the body and help flush away physical and emotional toxins. I’m also an advocate of journalling to express gratitude and track patterns for positive outcomes.” - Anita Kaushal, Ayurvedic practitioner and founder of Mauli Rituals
“Adding more movement into your day will not only make you feel happier and more energised, but healthier too. This can be a simple wiggle on your mat, a short walk or perhaps even an online workout but I promise you if you do this and are consistent with it, you will feel a lot better. Not only will your body thank you for it, but your mind will too. “ - Louisa Drake, fitness expert and founder of The Louisa Drake Method