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Look and Feel Your Best Throughout The Festive Season (and beyond!)

It’s that time of year when we’re all chasing our tales in the run up to Christmas. Our diaries are full of festive post-work drinks, we’re overeating or eating more of the wrong things, there is that niggly snuffle or cold we can’t shift. We’re probably also still under pressure at work to see the year-end and deliver those all-important numbers before year end if there is any hope of a bonus. If that wasn’t enough we have to fit in Christmas shopping and prepare a show-stopping dinner for family and friends too…. We’re out of breath just thinking about it all!

As fun as this time of year is, it’s very easy to overlook how out of sync we get when we’re putting our body and mind under pressure. Christmas is just one of those times of the year when it gets busy and while we’re having fun, it’s easy to forget that our body (think of it as a complicated machine with each component working together) needs to be in synergy for us to look and feel our best.

Our body is highly sensitive and busy lifestyles can compromise many aspects of its intricate functions. If we are overworked, key body systems such as digestion, immunity or hormone balance can become compromised which can have far reaching impacts, leading to an array of symptoms that don’t always seem to be immediately linked. No matter what the niggling health issue is - low energy, problem skin (acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, rosacea), bad sleep patterns, bloating, constipation, poor concentration or weakened immunity - it is a sign that the body could probably do with some extra support.

To top that off, we source top quality nutritious ingredients from all over the world, use the best quality vitamins and minerals in safe right doses.Our skin, hair and nail beauty supplement - Beauty Formula - and general wellbeing energy boosting supplement - Original Formula - are the perfect solution for easy, all-in-one solutions that can help give you a much needed boost this festive season. There are no other products on the market that work quite so deeply, which is why we think they are the best!There are 8 key body systems (hence the name!) – Immunity, digestion, stress, hormones, energy, detoxification, brain, structure - our products contain ingredients that help to nourish and realigning each body system, promoting balance in the body and restoring synergy to help get you looking and feeling your best.

This is where the Equi Eight Philosophy comes in. We believe that in order to really get results with supplements, you have to include ingredients that support the whole body, deep at its core (think omegas, alkalising superfoods probiotics, enzymes, antioxidants, liver supporting compounds, adrenal balancing herbs as well as a good quality multivitamin). This is why taking your average high street multivitamin tablet doesn’t always get the results you want.

If you want to learn more about each of these systems, how they work together and communicate then check out our Equi Eight page.



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